Termux command :
List of use full command use in Termux app
What is termux?
ans-Termux is an Android terminal emulator and Linux environment app that works directly with no rooting or setup required. A minimal base system is installed automatically - additional packages are available using the APT package manager.
- pkg - install package
- pkg update- update package
- cp - used to prints informative massage
- cp - used to copy any directory
- mv - -move when source is newer than destination
- mv - to move any directory
- ls - to display UID and GID directory
- ls --version to check the version of ls command
- cd -- show last working directory from where we moved
- ls -l show file action like - modified, date and time, owner of file, permissions Etc.
- ls help show display how to use "ls" command
- cp -n no file overwrite
- cd ~ move to users home directory from anywhere
- mv [file1 name] [new file2 name] move or rename two file at a time
- cd - move one directory back from current location
- mv [file name] move any file and folder
- ls list directory
- ls -a list all files including hidden files
- pwd - it show your current working directory
- mv -i interactive prompt before overwrit
- wget [url] install tool , apt install wget
- git clone [url] install any tools with git clone, apt install git
- ls -al formatted listing with hidden files
- mv -f force move by overwriting destination files without prompt
- ls -i Display number of file or directory
- cp copy any file
- cd / change to root directory
- cd change directory
- cd .. change current directory to parent directory
- curl -O [url] apt install curl
- rm remove or delete files
- rm [filename] remove any text files
- rmdir [dir name] remove any directory
- rm -rf force remove a directory or a folder
- rm -r [name] delete a directory called name
- apt remove [package name] uninstall / remove a package
- touch [file name] create new file
- mkdir [name] create a directory or folder
- more [file name] output the contents of file
- head [file name] output the first 10 line of file
- tail -f [file name] output the contents of file as it grows
- apt install zip install zip file tool
- zip name.zip [file] compress file using this commands
- unzip [zip file] to unzip file
- ftp launch ftp client from terminal
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